Monday, January 30, 2012

Arrived home last night from our annual ski trip to Sierra Nevada.  We had a wonderful time.  The weather was perfect, our studio flat was bright and fairly spacious although very basic, and best of all, daddy Tancrede had a brilliant, accident free ski.  He had been extremely nervous about his knee as it´s only been 2 months since his arthroscope but it held up beautifully and most importantly pain free.  Unlike today where his entire body is aching and he feels like a very old man.  The down side of a great ski trip! 
Willow had an absolute ball and really loved the snow and skiing.  She had 2 lessons over the weekend and was truly amazing.  Yesterday she went and jumped on the chair lift and her teacher had to race to catch up as they headed off up the slopes.  I was nervous and excited waiting for them to come down, didn´t know whether she would be crying or laughing or could even manage to stand up.  So when she zoomed down the hill to where we were standing, showing off her new skills, mummy and daddy were very proud!  She is still very shy and barely spoke a word to Raphael her instructor but he seemed very patient.
So we are all tired but happy this morning! 

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