Sunday, March 02, 2008

Willow is a very funny little girl. She has a sense of humour already and makes me laugh out loud! She is on the verge of crawling, but prefers to stand and walk with hands held. She is good at playing on her own and I often find her lying under a table or her cot, talking to herself, or chewing the legs. She also loves watching BabyTV on SKY. She particularly loves Harry the Bunny and often shrieks while watching. I think it's quite stimulating at this age....

I think we have turned a corner with the eating situation. She will eat nearly anything now, if she likes it! It's still a battle to get a few mouthfuls of cereal in each morning but she loves to eat anything that she can hold herself. And she loves baby yoghurts.... and broccoli.... not together...

And already she loves shopping!

And chocolate! Naughty daddy, but at least it was Lindt!..

We were witnesses at our friends' Jo and Jayne's wedding in Gibraltar recently.

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